First of all let me wish you all the best in 2009. May this year be filled with creativity and sewing; and most of all success, happiness, prosperity and health.
And boy am I glad 2008 is over. This year has been quite tough on a lot of people. The absolutely worst thing for me was that both of my pets, my bunny and my dog, died in 2008. I still cannot fully understand and believe it.
But, I refuse to focus on the bad, and I'm really looking forward to everything the new year will bring for all of us.
Now for the winners: the winner of the La Mia Boutique is Tany; and the winner of the Patrones magazine is Alicia. Congratulations to the winners!
Please send me your mailing addresses on: aikkam at gmail dot com. All the magazines will be sent on Monday.
A lot of my favourite bloggers have written post about their sewing resolutions. I, too, have been thinking a lot about the last year's projects and what I want to accomplish in 2009 with regards to sewing.
First thing I will start doing is I'll start sewing wovens. Lately, I've been stuck in the rut sewing knit tops.
Second thing I promised myself to do is, I will get rid of the fear of making a mistake. This one is the major reason that I kept sewing knit tops. I've fallen into this comfortable zone with sewing knits.
Third resolution is, I will stop sewing basic garments I can easily buy. I will instead focus on making garments with more interesting design features, designer-inspired clothes, etc. Those are the thing I actually want to have in my closet.
And last but not least, I'll make at least one coat/jacket this year. It just breaks my heart to see how many wonderful outerwear patterns are in my stash and I have sewn none. Same goes for pants, dresses and skirts; but jacket and coat patterns hurt the most.
This is it for the first post in the 2009. Until next time...happy sewing :)
The Kiss dress
1 week ago