Unfortunately no sewing done here. My JCC is still waiting to be finished; but you know how it is, sometimes life gets in the way.
So what have I been up to...
Well, I've spend 3 days in Spain on a business trip, previewing the fall/winter collection of the brand I work for. I had a wonderful time and I met some wonderful people.
While I was away, we were having some terrible storms in Slovenia. During one of those storms, the lightning hit somewhere near our house and a few appliances went dead. One of them was my computer. I had to go without it for a week, but I'm back online now. Thank god, none of my machines got hurt.
The weather has been completely out of control this year. About a week ago, the first ever tornado hit my country. Luckily, nobody I know got hurt. It was a small one, compared to those I'm used to seeing on TV, but even the thought that tornadoes are going to become a part of our climate is frightening.
On the more positive note; well, on the wonderful and exciting note.... I'll get a promotion. I'll be the store manager. I'm still on training, but once this becomes official (in a few weeks), I will have a fixed schedule of 8 hours per day (finally), my paycheck will increase. Which equals, more time and money for sewing :-) Woohoo
I've been listening to some audio books on my way to work lately. And one of them was Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy and I truly recommend it. It has some wonderful tips on how to stop procrastinating, which is one of my huge problems; and I've decided to incorporate those tips into my life. It's funny how you already know practically everything, but it's not until you hear them said out loud, that you become aware of them. I had a few light bulb moments while listening. So no more procrastination from now on, not for me.
One of the decisions and priorities I've set up for myself is also to write here more often. So keep checking back ;-)
The Kiss dress
1 week ago
Congratulations on your promotion, Maja!!
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