It is that time of the year when I usually take everything that has accumulated in my closet out, go through it with a critical eye and put everything in three piles: 'keepers', 'menders' and 'never-use-never-will' pile.
Ever since I started working in a clothing store my wardrobe became full of RTW pieces. Part of the problem is that my job requires me to wear clothes from our store. And since the store I work in sells mainly casual clothes, my work wardrobe is very casual - mainly jeans and T-shirts.
The other reasons for my wardrobe expansion are employee discount and sales.
So, after dividing everything into three piles, I assessed everything that was in the 'keepers' pile and realized the following:
jeans - I have plenty - I get two pairs of jeans for free from my company every season
T-shirts - have enough
sweatsuit alternative (both tops and bottoms) - enough - I usually spend weekends and my free time in nature or doing somethings sporty, so I need and use plenty of casual wear
shorts - have a sufficient number
skirts - three
dresses - I have one single beach dress
outerwear - could use more, but it's not a priority
In this group belong clothes appropriate for office work, interviews, parties, special occasions and events, etc. Basically everything that is not casual.
Now here I have a huge problem.
tops - I have two tops that could pass as appropriate
pants - one pair of winter pants
dresses - none
skirts - none
outerwear - one black winter coat
Quite bad, right?
My current job doesn't require nice clothes, but every now and then an occasion or event comes up where I need something nice to wear and then I sadly realize that I do own the perfect dress for the occasion, but it's still waiting to be sewn.
I need to focus on sewing nice clothes and I need a plan. I also decided to sew outfits instead of single garment pieces. That is because when I sew an individual garment, I have nothing to wear it with, so the poor thing just hangs in my closet waiting for better days.
I'm still working on a plan. I probably won't be able to focus on it until beginning of June due to my work and studies; but then I'll definitely start building a better, more functional wardrobe that won't allow me to find myself in one of those 'I-have-nothing-to-wear' situations.
I'm leaving you with a photo of a tulip I took on an annual tulip exhibition I visited recently:
The Kiss dress
1 week ago
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